Interested in joining PALS?

PALS membership is open to anyone interested in birth.

To attend births, you must be a PALS member and a doula trained through a recognized organization.

PALS is a not-for-profit community organization dedicated to helping Philadelphia women have positive birth experiences. Our doulas provide free labor support services including physical, emotional, and informational support. PALS is funded by the University of Pennsylvania Student Activities Council (SAC). PALS members include students from various Penn programs as well as community members.

What is Expected of PALS Members?

Volunteer organizations like PALS can only survive and provide services to the community through the commitment and energy of members. Active membership includes attending at least two meetings a year (pending scheduling of meetings by leadership) and volunteering for on-call shifts, or attending births through the App, or accepting prenatal clients (see below). Members are also expected to complete paperwork including the consent form and birth record forms.

What Are the Benefits of Becoming A PALS Member?

(1) Library: Check out books from the extensive PALS library. The library contains books required for certification through DONA.

(2) Supplies: Supplies are available at the HUP L&D floor. Check with staff upon arrival.

(3) Network: Meet other doulas and keep skills current. Meetings will be announced through the Listserve.

(4) Births: PALS helps members attend births!

How Can I Attend Births?

PALS offers services to the community through two programs:

All doulas are advised to attend an orientation session, review PALS materials, and ask questions before attending a birth through PALS.

(1) On-Call Program: The On-Call Program provides 24 hour on-call doula services to women delivering at the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania. Doulas are on call for 12 hour shifts from 7pm to 7am and 7am to 7pm and are called in by HUP staff.

(2) Prenatal Match-Up ProgramThe Prenatal Match-up Program allows clients to meet with doulas in advance to discuss birth options and explore childbirth education needs. Doulas are on-call for the client’s birth and are 2 weeks in advance of the client’s due date.

More information: